Spirituality is your True Nature

Priyanka Puthran
2 min readApr 2, 2021

In each of your worlds, do you feel good when you are calmer ? Do you feel good when you are happy ? Do you feel better when your mind is quieter ? Do you feel nice when you are in love ?

For most of you reading this, at least answers to one or more of the above may be ‘Yes’ ..

Now, irrespective of the person you are, president of a country or a thief in a jail, irrespective of where you are — the answers are similar.

Have you ever wondered why ?

For the ones who have made an effort to understand the ‘Why’ consciously they go down a path of introspection to achieve this, might have analyzed their thoughts and try to get into a quieter state deliberatively.

For the ones who have tried to be calmer or be happier by any means have gone in routes of wealth, power, marriage, sex and so on. Now did this category become happy by acquiring wealth ? Yes, for a while ! But did they want more ? Why not, they said — except for the rare gems who donate most of their wealth cause they realized something, something that is their true nature.

There is a immense internal struggle with your mind that happens when you try to quiet yourself deliberatively. I have been through this and is quite a difficult path. Can you see light at end of the tunnel ? Quite frankly, No..

But then wonder why people take this path of deliberate thoughtfulness to awaken calmness, quietude in their usually freaking minds ? Because it feels good, you can feel yourself !

When you actually become the ‘calm’ and become the ‘peace’ you would say I did it by doing nothing. You may also start glowing and may start having a beautiful energy around you.

Try by focusing on your breath each moment, let it all go..

Each of you are godly in nature ! Remember how you were formed, how you are forming and how you will deform one day.

When you do nothing, you are present in the moment and you then see the ecstasy of being in it. Your heart opens and you realize there is that energy that controls all of us and you had to quieten yourself to achieve this.

The art of doing nothing is Meditation.

And that ‘nothingness’ helps you realize your true self.

Spirituality is thus a natural extension of you, to find you and realize who are you ?



Priyanka Puthran

A spiritual newsletter for good, hard working, intelligent, kind and honest people. I would like to lift them with my words because you are simply worth it !